If you exhibit one of more of the following behaviors:

  • Fail to meet obligations
  • Watch pornography during work hours
  • Put Porn ahead of your family
  • Put Porn ahead of your job
  • Put Porn Ahead of Your Education
  • Spend lots of money that is probably allocated for basic needs
  • Hide what you do from others
  • Have a sex life that is less satisfying than your fantasy life
  • Spend hours in front of the computer screen, without sleeping or even going to the bathroom

If you suffer from 1+ of these behaviors, we can help. Call now 415-519-2150 or fill out the form on the right of this page.


Porn Is Just One Click Away! Fill Out Our Form Instead.

The new world of pornography starts with a computer.  In times past, someone had to leave their home, drive to a store to purchase, rent or watch pornography.   Those days ended with the Internet.  Now pornography is only one click away.   People, mostly men, (though 30% of porn watchers are women) can spend hours a day hiding in front of their computer screen.

These behaviors are not limited to time online.  Fantasy begins to take over one’s life.   Men tend to spend much of their waking life thinking about sex.  The images that one sees on the computer can be indelibly imprinted in the mind.  These fantasies are available 24 hours a day.

Addiction is a way to soothe oneself, when unwanted feelings arise.  Men are taught at a very young age that feelings are for women, or sissies.  Real men need to be strong, crying is not allowed.  When feelings of sadness, anger, or even love arise, men do not know how to react.  They will want to reduce the anxiety.  The internet will  and provide an instant a respite from uncomfortable experiences.  The problem is that once the behavior stops the feelings may return.  In order to prevent this, more of the addiction is needed.

You may ask yourself:  “how do I get out of this vicious cycle?”

Since pornography is done mostly in isolation, the quickest way to begin recovery is to get help from others.  The first time one asks for help can be very difficult.  The first call for help feels like impossibility. The shame that is involved with this addiction has no boundaries. Alcoholics no longer need to hide their problem.  Sex addicts are spurned by the culture and live lonely lives hidden from everyone.   The porn addict may not know that they are suffering with millions of other people.  Once the first call for help is made a person’s life may change forever.

More information on Addictions

Counseling and Therapy for Sex Addiction
Recovery for Alcohol or Substance Abuse
To the Partners of Sex Addicts.
ARISE addiction interventions
Issues of Codependency