Therapist, counselor, marriage, individual,Addiction

Finding The Right Therapist

Four things you will want to know before you go to a therapist

1. Is your therapist licensed?

Each therapist is licensed by the state where he or she practices. You can  look up a therapist by clicking on this link:

Be advised that if a therapist has complaints lodged against him or her, it  may not be easy to find this out. It is up to you to check out a therapist as  much as possible. Most therapists are ethical and professional, but there  are a very small number who are not. It is up to you to do your homework.

 2. Do you have a good chemistry with the therapist?

You should like him or her and feel confident that you can discuss anything  that is on your mind. A free first visit is a great way to get to know the  therapist a little and judge your gut feeling about the person.

You are looking for someone that you respect, get along with and someone  who shares your values in important areas.

For instance, some therapists are very structured, and you might enjoy  working with someone who is very structured or you may not. This is what  the chemistry is all about.

3. Does the therapist have experience, knowledge and interest?

Each situation is different. You want to find a therapist who relates to your  situation. For example, for marriage counseling, find someone who  counsels couples all the time.

If you want therapy to help you get over your fear of going out in public, find  a therapist who treats similar conditions on a routine basis.

Are you religious? You may be more comfortable with a therapist who  understands your particular religious values.

 4. Is your therapist conveniently located?

You may want someone near your home or work. We feel this is less  important than the other factors but it is still a factor.  Some clients need  to work with therapists that are uniquely trained.  In those cases, we may work by Video connection.