You have come to the right place for help. Here is why:

  1. Sex Addiction and/or Porn Addiction is a disease of isolation.
  2. It is a shameful experience to Talk About.
  3. If you are here you are probably ready to break silence.
  4. You need a professional who understands this addiction. (I have 20 years of sobriety from being a hardcore sex and porn addict.
  5. I am willing to make myself available for as much time as you (and your partner) need to start your recovery.

it usually takes years to finally admit that sex addiction is a problem.  Many of you show up here because your partner/husband/wife has just found out and you feel like you have a gun to your head.  Some of you have finally realized how damaging this has been to  many areas of your life such as:  primary relationship, friendships, children, job, financial success, hobbies, and dreams.

I have Been Here in my own life.

Twenty years ago, I stopped.  My life was in shambles, I was isolated, lonely, and I was suicidal.  I gave up, I needed help.  I could not recover on my own.  These are questions I needed to ask myself:

Is Sex the Most important thing in my life?
Am I constantly fantasizing about sex?
While at work, with my family or by myself, am I plotting the next time I can have sex?
Am I ashamed of my life.  Am I afraid that I will be shamed, judged or abandoned if people find out?

It is estimated that between 12-18 million people are suffering from sex or porn addiction in the United States. The  accessibility of internet porn available on computers or smartphones has made it significantly easier to become an addict. It has become easier to have sex by yourself or with strangers  than it is to have sexual intimacy with your partner.

More Sex Addiction Symptoms

Are you at risk of losing your relationship/marriage,  your job or your life?
Are you spending hours online:  watching porn, sexting, texting or trying to hook up?
Are you risking your job, your relationship or your education?
Did your partner just discover that you have been cheating or having an affair?
You are probably suffering from the disease of Sexual Addiction.
Have you not been able to stop on your own?  We can Help Call:  415-519-2150 or Fill Out Form on the Right.


What is also staggering is how many children and teenagers have access to porn.  The Chances of Children becoming addicted are far greater if their parents are addicted.  It is tragic how this disease is passed on generationally.  By the time these children are adults it is often not possible to have   a satisfying sexual relation with another person. Call for help:  415-834-1755.

Are you the partner of a Sex Addict?
There is hope and a solution. Call before there are deeper consequences.

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may need help.
Take our Sex Addiction Test Today.

More information on Addictions

Recovery for Alcohol or Substance Abuse

Porn Addiction

Working With The Family of Sex Addicts
To the Partners of Sex Addicts.
ARISE addiction interventions
Issues of Codependency
Compulsive spending, Debting or shopping